Sunday, March 20, 2011

Skinny by....Frugality

What does being frugal have to do with weight loss?  A TON!

A gym membership doesn't always survive budget cuts and fresh healthy food isn't always cheap.  I have made a promise to myself to get my finances in order, cut my debt and save more money and this is forcing me to examine every line in my budget and that includes my fitness routine and my grocery bills.

I am a lucky girl who benefits from a corporate discount on my gym membership and the price is very reasonable.  I know that because I go often enough (4-6 times per week) I am getting my moneys worth.  If you find that you are paying for a gym membership and don't seem to get there as often as you thought you would, you are probably overpaying.  Before you sign up for a gym membership, take a look at your lifestyle.  Be realistic.  Really decide if you have the time, energy and money to dedicate to working out at a gym.  How many times will be get there each week?  Do the benefits seem higher than the cost?  If your membership is $40 a month, how much are you paying per visit based on your assessment?  If you think a gym is the best exercise solution, then promise yourself and your schedule.  Some people may find that the gym doesn't suit their lifestyle, there are so many other options!

Many yoga studios offer flexible options to meet your budget and time needs.  Most offer an unlimited first week for $20, sort of a try before you buy.  A few have classes that are taught by newly graduated teachers at a discounted price ($5 or so).  I even found one that offers free yoga in exchange for work at their studio (

A lot of fitness studios and boot camp places offer free try it classes.  Even if they don't advertise it, you can always ask.  I am not saying this is an ultimate fix, you can only live off the trials until you run out of new places but perhaps along the way you will find the program and schedule that will work best for you and ensure you get your moneys worth.

As the weather gets warmer the cheapest and most convenient form of exercise is just getting outside, putting one foot in front of the other and walking or running in your neighbourhood.  I did that today and loved every minute.  The best part is, outside doesn't have opening or closing hours and there is no commute or cost.

I think one of the reasons I enjoy my "Work" outs (the 3 times a week we work out at work) is that it's free and different.  Don't get me wrong, there was an initial cost.  I did have to buy the video but the nice thing is that it's a one time fee and there is no set schedule to it.  Find a DVD that will challenge you, that has different levels to keep you working harder and setting your goals higher each week.  I got 3 DVDs for under $20 and that means I have lots of workout combinations at the press of button without leaving my house (or work).

Whichever way you choose, make sure you stick with it and commit for your health.  A gym membership is far cheaper than a future of medical issues that can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.

As for the groceries, there are a few simple ways to save money and eat healthy at the same time.

1) Stop eating out!  There is so much that goes into your food when you eat at a restaurant that you don't know about.  Extra salt, oil, full fat everything!  If you do find yourself out at a restaurant, make a healthy choice an entree salad, fish and veggies and ask for alterations, if you want to get a wrap don't go with the fries on the side.  Opt for a salad, usually a garden salad is the same price, and if it's not it's one fee that is worth it.  Avoiding meals out will probably decrease those couple of drinks you would have with a meal as well.  Alcohol is chock full of sugar and extra calories.  It's an easy way to lose a couple pounds and save a couple dollars.

2) Actually cook at home.  If you start thinking more about what you are putting into your body you can plan for it.  When you make dinner make enough for lunch the next day.  If you have lots of time on Sunday make a couple meals for the week that you can freeze and then pop in the oven.  A healthier option that offers convenience.

3) Pay attention to food prices.  Become familiar with the cost of your standard grocery item. offers all the flyers in your neighbourhood and allows you to find the cheapest price.  That doesn't mean travelling to 12 grocery stores to save 50 cents here and there.  See which store is going to offer you the greatest savings that week and go there.

4) Know what's in season.  Fruits and veggies are going to be more expensive in the winter.  Switch to frozen when you can.  They have the same nutrients.  In the summer, find your local farmer's market and actually shop there.  You will be supporting your local economy, saving money and eating healthy food.

5) Only buy what you need.  Plan your meals and buy accordingly.  MAKE A LIST.  Just because it's on sale and healthy doesn't mean you should buy 3.  Wasted food doesn't help your wallet.

6) Prepare snacks.  Take a couple minutes when you get home from grocery shopping and wash your fruits and veggies and put them into individual snack bags.  It becomes a lot easier to eat healthy if it's convenient.

I would love to hear about your healthy/frugal tips.  I am no saint.  I don't always make all of this happen but if it's always in the back of my mind more often then not I will make the right choice.  I hope to find some time to try some of the free try it classes in the near future.  I did manage to get outside for a run today and it felt great.  I can feel the warmer weather sneaking in.

Spring is in the air!


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