Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Skinny by...blog

As I once again embark on another (yes, one more time) weight loss journey, I found myself questioning why I hadn't been able to stay motivated in the past.  Was I lazy? No.  Was I too busy?  No.  Did I not have the proper tools to accomplish my goal?  No.  Did I have something to keep me motivated?  Something to be responsible to? No.  Hmmm...
In the past I had given myself a goal date:
Skinny by...Christmas
Skinny by...Cancun
Skinny by...Summer
These all worked for a while but ultimately I would get to the goal and then fall of the wagon as a reward for my accomplishment.  By taking away the goal do I take away the wagon?
The is the hope of this blog is that by committing to something that isn't ending, my healthy journey won't end. 

So now you may be wondering how blogging about my healthy journey is going to help and what could I possibly talk about.  I don't blame you.  I am wondering the same thing.  
I hope to encourage me (and maybe even you) to keep things fresh and interesting.  I vow to branch out and keep exercise interesting.  I promise to try new things and be the guinea pig.

There is no road map on my journey and there is no end date.  There is only a goal, to be a healthier person.

Cheers (with lemon water) to health! 


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